Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Hmm I don't know what I did today. I seems to have done very few things. Oh oh i remember!! My memory just bounced back. I went to Poiching to teach band!! How can I forget that.

It has been a while since I last saw the kids. They are still as cheerful and playful. Some of them changed their looks, nearly can't recognise them. They sounded alot better as compared to 2 months ago. My trombone section is still the best!! Hee.

After that, I reached home at about 1pm, switched on my computer, went to check my email and found.... an email from my favourite professor. He brought some news that is not surprising but kinda sad. I wish him all the best for his new experientia. I can't say much cuz he wants me to keep it confidential hee. I spent 1 hr to type a reply letter to him, wishing him all the best. I wanted to treat him like a friend and type all the broken english but.... I think its still better to type properly so that I treat him with respect hee.

After that, I continued composing my piece that I have started yesterday. Truly speaking, I created a joke. Real Joke!. I started that piece with a scary beginning, but a comic relieve using the timpani after the introduction. I want to share all my music with people all around the world. Although they don't sound really pro but its me. Hee hear me.

I wanna prac some piano after this blog hee. I have stopped playing guitar for some time because guitar lets me think of sad past. I'll turn to piano for now. So I'll stop here. Here is slice of life

Slice of Life

"A Reflective Life (Part 2)

In this edition, we continue to explore how we can live a more reflective life in the midst of noise and turbulence.

One of the biggest traps in life is to work for money. Not that you shouldn't be paid your worth, but when you're unhappy with what you do but do it anyway because it pays well, you're spending a huge chunk of your life being miserable. Also, many people falsely assume that once they've amassed their wealth, once they've accumulated a certain amount of assets, THEN they will be happy. The truth is, if you can't be happy now, you won't be happy even when you have more money. In fact, money can even be a source of stress - fear of losing the wealth, and the constant desire of even more riches.

Many of us go through life not knowing our purpose. But knowing what we're in this world for creates passion. It stokes the fire of Life. It's a boundless source of happiness, inspiration and vitality once you've captured it accurately.

Having a decent job, getting married, and having two kids might seem like a purpose, but it's too generic to bring about any sort of profound joy or deep appreciation of life. Besides, it sounds like the sort of societal expectation that causes us to lose sight of ourselves and focus on what others want.

So how do we discover our purpose? Well, there is no magic formula, but for a start, make time for yourself. Spend 20 minutes or more each day meditating. Meditation can help us acquire deeper insights about themselves. Much of it is agnostic these days anyway, so there's no need for it to clash with your religion.
Meditation is simply quiet contemplation. It creates an ideal environment for your intuition to speak to you.

If you think you're too busy to meditate, or if you think it won't work for you, then try this - at several points in the day, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Then, imagine exhaling as purging your mind and body of all your worries and tension. With life being as stressful as it is here, this simple exercise can be more helpful to your mental state than you think.

And those are some ways we can bring more introspection into our lives, thereby lessening stress and regret."

My memories....... (WeiQIang!! Wake up!!)


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