31/10/04 10pm
Today is the last day for my general revision. Tomorrow, I will start my focus revision strategy. Monday on research method revision, Tuesday Research Method exam, Wed Accounting 2 revision, Thursday Accounting 2 exam, Friday on Derivative securities, Saturday Derivative securities exam. Hopefully my strategy works.
Anyway, I spent 4 hrs studying only. The rest of the time, i devoted myself to games again. My mind just couldn't stand looking at the formulas and theories behind those investment instruments. I'm gonna leave all those to luck, and I hope that i am a lucky star.
After playing so much games, one theory struck my mind again. Well i guess its good for you guys to know as well. Researchers found that people who play games for a long time would be easily annoyed by other peoples' questions or actions. This is due to the reduction in the Alpha or Beta waves (can't remember which wave) in our brain. In other words, playing too much games reduces the wave, and will cause the person to behave "violently". So, if you find that you are easily annoyed after playing games, you are facing with this situation.
This is to provide people an insight about how gamers behave. If you are pissed by a gamer, just think that the game is having an effect on him/her. And for gamers, try to control your mood after you played some games.
Why do I say so much about that? It seems like someone actually pissed me off today. Maybe i played too much games which makes me easy to get annoyed by little things. But then, I would still wanna describe the situation briefly.
How do you guys view courtesy? Is it important for people to be courteous when they are dealing with people online? When one starts to communication to another online, are there some sort of codes that people follow? Well I think online chatting behavior is no different from face to face chatting. It still need some sort of introduction, content, and then closure. At least thats how i view it. How would you feel if someone left out the closure part?
Let me try to give a clearer picture. Two parties started of with an introduction, and chatted heavily on the contents. However, the other party disappeared after a while when the dialogue is "dorment" for a few minutes. The effect is greater if the chatted contents have a request-for-assistance nature.
Truly speaking, I don't find these behaviors in my international friends. Does that mean that is something lacking in the local context? Has the fast-pace lifestyle and the utilitarian educational system created some humanitarian(i don't know if theres such a word) deficiencies?
The situation mentioned occurred to me more than one time with different parties. I have actually thought about it and I would agree that other extraneous factors might come into the picture that affects the situation. I could also attribute this kind of situation internally by saying that I have a rather wierd behavior when it comes to inter personal management. Somehow, the way i talk to my friends might make my friends not feel like friends (you confused?). Hmm what kind of way am i talking about? I think i don't know how to describe. Perhaps from the way i type this, you might see my underlying behavior.
Maybe I am just too sensitive to small details that is really insignificant. I deemed myself to be one of the Wierdos that are highly sensitive. Perhaps I should be normal and behavior like those people who are not so tactful with things. I might be able to make more friends that way? Hee. Its time for my favourite laughing show- Zhong4 Yi4 Da4 Ge1 Da4
Till next time... adios.