Tuesday, February 28, 2006


The last day of Feb. I just realized that I forgotten to wish my friend happy birthday. Poor memory... Happy birthday (1 week late).

Excitement building up for Thursday. How will I fair in making the presentation? Am I too focused on my part. I should get my team to discuss as a whole isn't it? Donno lah. I think they are doing fine. And I'm letting my well-trusted teammates to take charge of their own parts. I have no worries for that.

I think my westwinds tickets can be considered all sold if my friend from NUS can buy 2 from me. I'm still hoping haaa. I bet its one of the best sounding and loudest concert ever..... sigh and yeah! Not forgetting lots of long Eupho melody!! haaa

NUS concert!! A long solo! I still haven't got a chance to perform 7th night of july solo.... when will be the day?? heee

Need to get to work now. No more dreaming heee.

Slice of Life

Stress-Busting for Moms

They say being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job. Well, the reality can be more like two full-time jobs. Anyone who's ever had the experience will know that being a mother can be extremely stressful, especially during the children's early years.

With babies, toddlers and older children to care for, along with cooking the meals, paying the bills, cleaning, tutoring the kids, shopping for groceries, and so on, finding time for yourself may seem impossible. Even when you do find a few quiet minutes, you're at a loss what to do. You've spent so much time fussing and fretting about the house and the kids and the in-laws (and the husband) that you've forgotten how to relax!

But taking time out to recharge your batteries is precisely what you need! So, what's stopping you? Do you feel guilty taking a break? Do you feel less of a SuperMom if you spend some time unwinding? Or God forbid, have fun?

Well, you're not much use to anyone if you suffer a breakdown. So leave your chores behind, just for a little while, and give yourself permission to take a much needed time-out.

Here are some things you can do to get that swing back into your sweep!

Schedule some alone time for yourself. Use this time to focus on you. Find a place in your home that you can go to and find privacy. You can ask your husband, sister, in-law or friend to take the family out for a few hours while you enjoy your alone time. Do nothing, sleep, read, or watch a movie; just enjoy your solitude.

When you are feeling stressed, talk to a good friend. Sit down and enjoy a good conversation over a cup of coffee. Many women, after becoming moms, forget they ever had girlfriends with whom they could have fun with. Don't be one of those moms!

Take a nap. Find a quiet, comfortable spot and take a nap. Even a short power nap can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and more focused. Studies have shown that people who spent 30 minutes each day napping had one third less heart disease than those who didn't nap.

And? you're going to like this one? eat! Not just anything, mind you, but foods that help reduce stress. Carbohydrates, for example, will actually soothe you. Good sources of carbohydrates include pasta, potatoes, breads, popcorn and low-calorie cookies.

Monday, February 27, 2006


Well well, how long has it been since i last bought something for my friends. Christmas? haaa. It'll take ancient years for me to buy something for friends. haa. Perhaps i'm just a miser hee. I don't deny.

I'm just getting much energy back from being busy. Its really super busy days with so many things to do, but I ain't feeling down. Instead, I just wanna chiong myself through. I like this kind of feeling, of doing so many things. I bet I'm overdoing my brain now haa. Heavy output but not super quality ones. Well, I'm happy with what i'm producing now. Enough to make me go wild hee.

Slice of Life

Stress-Busting for Moms

They say being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job. Well, the reality can be more like two full-time jobs. Anyone who's ever had the experience will know that being a mother can be extremely stressful, especially during the children's early years.

With babies, toddlers and older children to care for, along with cooking the meals, paying the bills, cleaning, tutoring the kids, shopping for groceries, and so on, finding time for yourself may seem impossible. Even when you do find a few quiet minutes, you're at a loss what to do. You've spent so much time fussing and fretting about the house and the kids and the in-laws (and the husband) that you've forgotten how to relax!

But taking time out to recharge your batteries is precisely what you need! So, what's stopping you? Do you feel guilty taking a break? Do you feel less of a SuperMom if you spend some time unwinding? Or God forbid, have fun?

Well, you're not much use to anyone if you suffer a breakdown. So leave your chores behind, just for a little while, and give yourself permission to take a much needed time-out.

Here are some things you can do to get that swing back into your sweep!

Schedule some alone time for yourself. Use this time to focus on you. Find a place in your home that you can go to and find privacy. You can ask your husband, sister, in-law or friend to take the family out for a few hours while you enjoy your alone time. Do nothing, sleep, read, or watch a movie; just enjoy your solitude.

When you are feeling stressed, talk to a good friend. Sit down and enjoy a good conversation over a cup of coffee. Many women, after becoming moms, forget they ever had girlfriends with whom they could have fun with. Don't be one of those moms!

Take a nap. Find a quiet, comfortable spot and take a nap. Even a short power nap can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and more focused. Studies have shown that people who spent 30 minutes each day napping had one third less heart disease than those who didn't nap.

And? you're going to like this one? eat! Not just anything, mind you, but foods that help reduce stress. Carbohydrates, for example, will actually soothe you. Good sources of carbohydrates include pasta, potatoes, breads, popcorn and low-calorie cookies.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


The gift is now back in my hands after it was given about 4 years ago. Now back in my hands. A side of me feeling good because I have a good instrument to make music. The other side feeling a little sad because it has been replaced by other new ones. Well, I think I should not expect it to be used forever. Its good that I'm gonna be the owner of it rather than it being sold to other people. I should focus on the material side of it rather than the emotional side eh? I think thats what you are thinking.

2 days before quiz. I don't know how. I guess I'm alone in the battle field now. I only have effectively 6 hrs tomorrow to read things. How? die. Band..... takes up time. But I don't blame it for my bad results. Its just bad time management.

Oh ya.... I'm spending too much time blogging and playing games!!! But I like it. Hai~~

Thats it

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Quiz coming. Where is time? "Hello time, where are you? Can give me more of you? 24 hrs not enough." As I wondered through the corridor of time, I could find no answer to my request. Just searching, just wondering, just waiting.

And as time passes second by second. I would question about what I've achieved. Is the time fully used? Either for leisure, rest, or work? In my dictionary, those are the three things available to me now. I would have to allocate time to each of the elements. There is a cost to allocation of time. It is.... travelling time. If we were to allocate time to a certain area that requires high travelling time, other elements would be deprived from available time. How has modern technology helped us in reducing that cost? (1) 4 wheel transport, (2) elimination of communication barrier, (3) more efficient devices such as computers. Of the 3 elements, resting does not benefit much from those technology. We still need to sleep at about 7 hrs a day. Would someone invent something that would make sleep more efficient? Perhaps, 1 hr sleep = 7 hrs sleep? *wish

Ah, I'm starting to type rubbish again. Looking back at my own life. What have i achieved from the past? What am I doing now to achieve what I want to achieve? What do I want to achieve in the future? Do I want to be a musician? Do I want to be a corporate guru? Do I want to be a politician? Do I want to be a teacher? Or just be a road sweeper (lowest stress level during work)?

Instead of spending time typing rubbish, I should just go and wack somemore Pigs in maple. Oink oink!! Here i come!

Friday, February 24, 2006


Yes! Finally, solved the mystery of the missing figures. Again, its stupid mistakes that made me lose so much time trying to find out what went wrong. One, failed to consider Ownership effect on unamortised excess of fair value over book value. Two, calculate the goodwill wrongly!! What kind of stupid mistakes will I make in exams. Tonnes.

Also, it means good night sleep tonight. Next is to concentrate on presentation slides and ideas. Whats up man whats up man, yo yo...(I'm getting crazy)

Sometimes, when you get hooked to something, you need to put extra effect to push yourself away from that thing. I'm talking about.... Maple story. I managed to stopped myself from playing it and concentrated on 306. Just when I wanted to give up, I pushed myself somemore and solved the mystery!!! I just can't believe it. When you are looking for mistakes, you can't see them. When you want to give up, suddenly you discover it.

Ok, suddenly got mistake again. COntinue with work.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Do dreams tell you something that won't happen in the future or something thats going to happen in the future? Well, how come i can see someone in my dreams? Must be something I ate. Somehow something strucked me. The words i hear in my dreams still vivid in my mind. "How come you are not the same WeiQiang I know?" Somehow, I know that it isn't going to be a happy ending in the end. Well, even though that statement hurt me a bit, but the wierd flavoured ice cream was cool. (Chilli flavour?????). I remembered clearly there were chilli in ice-cream. Is that going to be a big hit in the market in future?

I think I'm going to look forward to sleep time again. Unexpected things always pop out. As long as its not about work, I'm fine.

Band days are just so tiring. Thurs....

Slice of Life

STORIES - The Echo of Life

A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Curious, he yells: "Who are you?" He receives the answer: "Who are you?"

Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!" He receives the answer: "Coward!"

He looks to his father and asks: "What's going on?"

The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention." And then he screams to the mountain: "I admire you!" The voice answers: "I admire you!"

Again the man screams: "You are a champion!" The voice answers: "You are a champion!"
The boy is surprised, but does not understand.

Then the father explains: "People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life; Life will give you back everything you have given to it."


Slice of Life

Helping a Stressed Loved One

Stress and depression can afflict anyone, and it can be especially tough to handle when it's our loved one who's suffering. When it seems all our words and deeds do nothing to assuage their misery, we ourselves can feel helpless and desperate.

If you're living with a loved one who's under severe stress or suffering from depression, remember that recovery is a journey; it's a work in progress, so if improvement does not seem apparent, don't be disappointed. No matter how useless you may be feeling, your loved one appreciates your support and listening ear.

Every comforting or encouraging word is helpful, but however frustrated you feel, never say to a depressed or stressed person: "Come on, snap out of it! What have you got to be worried or sad about anyway? People have it much worse than you!"

Understand that these words are easy enough for you to say, but for a stressed or depressed person, they can seem as though you're trivializing their condition, making them seem weak for not being able to "snap out" of such a petty state. Severe stress and chronic depression are illnesses. You wouldn't tell someone with high blood pressure or pneumonia to "snap out" of their condition, would you?

Also, try as much as possible not to impose advice or your own analysis or knowledge of the problem onto your loved one. Your suggestions may be in the best interest, but to the sufferer, it can sound confrontational. This may put him or her under pressure. All they'll do is dismiss your comments and clam up whenever you're around as they'll feel they're being scrutinised.

A better way is to challenge them very gently by reminding them of a time when they did something good. For example, when you hear your loved one say: "I'm useless, I never get anything right.", you can say "Sure you do, hey, remember the time when you did this??"

Finally, you may find a resource - a book, a video, or supplement that you think will help someone to beat their illness. But you must resist the urge to directly give them these resources. For someone to emerge from these illnesses, they have to make the decision themselves. A direct offer will more often than not be refused. So, if you find something you think will help, leave it lying around somewhere your loved one will find it. Such an indirect approach is more effective because once again, there is no pressure, no reminder, no confrontation. It is the sufferer who takes a willing first step towards recovery.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Konbanwa. If you guys haven't notice, I've placed a tracking counter in my blog to see the number of the people visiting my blog. The tracking counter is adopted from another friend. Don't worry, I can't track who my blog readers are. Well, 36 in 2 days, perhaps 3-4 belongs to me. How glad I am that there are people who are concern about me. Or perhaps want to know more about my failures? haa. Whatever the intentions you have, I'm glad that there are people who even bothers about me. Kudos.

Home alone now. Erm, that is if you exclude my sister (dog). She is well asleep anyway... lazy bum. Or perhaps, always asleep!. I got so lost the whole day. Not a productive one. A quiz next week and I didn't have the mood to study. As long as it is a multiple choice, I am bound to do badly no matter how hard i study. Studying doesn't make a difference in the marks because either you know the answer or you don't know. Studying doesn't mean that you'll know the things required.

At least 306 tutorial is done.... 1 question a day starting from monday. So many questions to ask. So many queries on jounal entries. So many scenarios that might occur. Complication.

At one point in time, I actually don't feel like playing games, and don't feel like doing work. When I start to do work, I want to play games. When I start to play game, I need to do work. The mind is getting back and forth. I ended up staring at blank deciding what to do.

Can't help it but to torture myself by going for a job. Nearly died halfway, because there were cocktails in my stomach..... "don't even try to run after eating". More oxygen doesn't seem to help in making me more sober. Well, I survive anyway, or else I won't be here typing.

I need music..... so I pulled out my keyboard and flipped through some scores. To my surprise, I found that song. Played it for 2 hrs or so.... Somewhat difficult for this lousy pianist here. At least I played through the piece haaa, with stoppages of course. I just cannot imagine how people can sight read piano or guitar pieces. If i got 4 eyes, perhaps can. 2 see score, 2 see keyboard.

I'm level 25 in maple now. 5 more levels to class change!! then will be big headache. Page, Spear, or Fighter....? sigh

Slice of Life

Recovering from a Disastrous First Date

First dates. Most of us have experienced our fair share of less than favourable ones. In fact, some of them might even be described as "disastrous". Meeting a romantic prospect for the first time is a tricky endeavour, and if it doesn't go well, the effects could stay with you a long, long time. For some, the memory of disastrous first dates is enough to make them a nervous wreck on subsequent dates.

So what can you do to recover from a disastrous first date?

First and most crucial, forgive yourself. Most of us, when under stress, do things we wouldn't normally do. If you thought you talked too much, or not enough, if you laughed too much, overreacted to some statement, or done some incredibly unattractive thing, don't be too hard on yourself. We're often harder on ourselves than we would be on another person.

So show some compassion toward yourself. It's natural to feel nervous on a first date. And nobody gets everything right, not even people who are attractive, intelligent and confident. The only reason why these people seem to fare better than others is that they forgive themselves more readily, and get over awkward situations more easily.

Once you've learnt to forgive yourself for not performing as well as you would've liked on a first date, you can go on to forgive the other person. Yes, we may like to believe that we don't pre-judge or judge people superficially, but on some subconscious level, we all do. And that can very often spoil an otherwise great date. So do not expect the other person to live up to all your expectations. By taking for granted that first dates usually don't go well, you take a big step forward in emotional maturity. Unless the other person was abusive or rude, they deserve a second chance.

Now, if you did something awkward or that warrants an apology, follow up with a gift or flowers and a simple note of apology or explanation. Don't write off your chances simply because you think you did something out of line. Most people are more forgiving than you think, and besides, your willingness to try again might impress the other party.

And don't let the experience affect your self-confidence. You have many good qualities, and just because this person didn't recognize them, that doesn't mean there isn't someone else out there who can. The most important thing is to be honest; be your authentic self. You deserve someone who will appreciate you for who you really are.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Full force on 306 cuz presentation is coming. Ya I completed 2 questions and felt so incompetent in accounting journal entries for consolidations. And what happen? I have something that cannot balance for each of the questions i attempted. I'm so done for now. Worst still, my group is presenting seminar 6 thingys. Isn't that crazy? Everyone will be so happy seeing the presenting group donno the answers for those questions.

I really wonder why people tend to look at mistakes.... sigh, now I feel so vulnerable liao. Get wack and shot down during presentations.... isn't that a nice sight? No where to run, just standing there like a dead duck. *quack quack, quack quack*, meaning, *shoot me, shoot me*.

Can someone enlighten me about the questions? I guess thats the bad part of being a worker. Spend lots of time on something, and still don't understand it. Genius--> Spent little time on complicated stuffs, and say "chicken feet" after that. I need a brain switch, or a brain upgrade. Any scientist good enough to invent a microchip into brains that enhance processing power? How about putting encylopedia chip inside. Cool? perhaps

9 more days to that presentation. Like what my friend said, if we were to be an accounts advisor for a company, we will tell them:"either you acquire 100% or you don't, stop making life difficult for accountants".

Time to kill some pigs to vent my frustration. Piggies, here i come!!

Monday, February 20, 2006


started the day with the wrong foot. Lots of things in my mind that made my Monday so blue. So blue. 306 and the Maple game was touring my mind yesterday night. Can't sleep well. And worst.... I forgotten to set my alarm clock. I woke up at..... 7.45, realizing that... I couldn't watch any vcd, and i need to get out of house in 30 mins time before i am declared late for class. 30 mins for breakfast isn't enough.... i stuffed food into my tummy. Now pain pain. (what a slow effect)

So, the wrong foot day, with so many things on my mind. I only spoke once during my 304 class.... and stupid comments somemore. And I spoke twice in 312 class, asking funny questions as well.

Wa biang, seems like i'm always on the dark side of life haa, my blog readers going to be so annoyed by it right!! ok here is a twist.

Turn on the spot light! Come some Music pleace!! Shake ye bom bom Shake ye bom bom. Ops.

Simple things are hard to understand,
but obvious things might be hard to comprehend
Of all the things, that I seems to know,
there are lots of them that is left to unfold.
Where time waits for no one,
things undone seems to be one tonne.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Has it become a routine for me to listen to the music you play? I think it'll be a place for me to visit whenever I'm need to bring my mind out of the turbulent reality. Did anyone tell you how great your music sounds? Needless to say, I guess alot of people must have praised you too. Somehow you seemed to have made another recording right? It doesn't sound like the first one you sent me. It sounded...... with even greater depth and thoughts.

My musical day isn't as good as you. This was my encounter.

"Were you angry with me? You didn't communicate with me. Did I do anything wrong? Let me take a look at you. Did anyone bully you? Why you sounded so sad? I don't feel good when you are down. Talk to me, let me share your thoughts. Everything will be fine." I examined you closely, looking at your face, checking for clues, what was going on. I pulled out a slide, and pressed the valves repeatly. Why stuck?????

After much negotiation using my fingers and air, the valves and tubings were cleared. The sound, no longer muffled. The voice, no longer shaky. I could sound my best, because you understands me. I now understands you more. I know what to do when you are down, because you share your thoughts with me.

Do the above paragraphs seems strange? I think so too. Anyway. Digress a bit. I'm lucky to have bought insurance for myself. Trombones will be my bad friends as long as they sit behind me. Don't think only trombones can blast..... euphos can too. Wait till the concert, you'll know.

I solved a difficult 306 question with the help of my friend. Thankz.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


My memory....
Where did it go to?
Millions of questions where none could answer.
Searching from within, looking for clues.
Where could it be? What could it be?

I visited one's blog, which I haven't gone to for a long time. A certain event made me do so. It was difficult for me to make this decision but I went. I didn't regret, even though I know I may be affected inside with, once again, lots of questions raised. I was greeted with one of the most beautiful sound on earth. Just by listening to the piece, I thought I was watching some korean drama again. It sounded so perfect. My mind asked:"DId you play it?" My eyes swell as I am typing this, with the music as background. It takes alot of heart to play such emotions. To "sing" with a piano is even more difficult. Truly speaking, I didn't know you'll still visit me once in a while. But thankz for your words. If you would allow me, I hope to have this piece to my collection. And perhaps, if you have the score, I would like to play it myself too. To experience the thoughts within.

I think I'm going to bed with the sounds of heaven. Better than what Westwinds gave me, i.e., sounds of hell. My day of endless headache with 306 was tranquilized.


Friday, February 17, 2006


Weekend comes = catch up with things. Currently planning for a presentation thats coming in 2 weeks time. Somehow the projects this sem ain't taking alot of life away from us folks, but we need to manage seminars..... thats something new in NBS. Above all, we only need to write 2 reports this semester as compared to 3 last semester, not to mention, 5 horrendous letter writings, one big essay for my GEs last sem.

But then, even though the reports have decreased, time seems to have increased, I still don't feel that things are going on a easy path. I guess moods go up and down, at least for me. Sometimes i work hard, sometimes i slack, sometimes i swear at my work, sometimes i smile at them.

Nuff said for today i guess. Its game time again. I can't live one day without it. haa

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I'm getting more and more aggressive in tutorials and seminar day by day. I can't stop. One day, everyone is going hate me and backfire. sigh. There is no turning back now. Once you start your foot like this, you'll just have to follow through it. No point changing ways now. For what you have decided, just follow through and do it as best as it can, no matter how hard the journey it can be.

Have people decided on things that they should have decided? I hope I have as well. eiyo but what thing? I also don't know. Ok, tomorrow is work day. Where is the time for maple? I'm going to spread out my workload during the next 3 days. Damn. I'll leave FYP aside first.... sigh.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Finally a new day. But I got so sucky trying to study 304. Read the book for 4 hrs, and nothing goes in. Gave up and went onto 306. Same problem. See tutorial question, got so fedup, gave up also. In the end, I turned to the virtual world of wacking monsters. Me so useless today cuz i didn't level up at all. What was I doing. The whole day seems so inefficient.

Ok, at least I did some revision for group reporting stuffs, I amended some FYP chapters. Thats about it. I'm depending on my bus ride tomorrow for 304 readings. If I doze off, the its really ITE (its the end).

Yes I know, I'm being cold, I'm being violent. So????? Sue me! haaa

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I dread festivals, especially today. Ok i made a mistake. I should have dressed as lousily as possible. I'm bothered by it, yes. I just hope today pass soon. 6 hrs more to go. Each sec is a pain. Damn.

One thing I'm impressed is that someone actually asked for flowers to be delivered to a lecture hall. Does that count as romantic? Buying big flowers mean romantic? Ya, I'm being wierd, so please ignore me. If I have the money, I'll fly off to another country during festive seasons so that no one would know me there.

I'm pathetic, I know. I need to someone to preach to me that mankind can survive without love. Fei Yu Qing.... how did you do it?


A balanced world- when there are happy people, there are bound to be some who are sad.

Its true that this year will be my bad year. I can feel that my anger is building up day by day. Well, its my temper, getting worst. I can feel it but I can't control it. I think my friends would suffer one day. That day will be the day where things will go upside down again. When would it be? I would rather have my health collapse than to have that day to come.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Suffered a great fall in BF308, got a great boost in AB312. What a swing. And again, I did forgotten to post anything on my blog yesterday. What was on my mind then? I was so affected by work that i totally forgotten about it and went offline. Switched off my comp with a little smoke coming out of my head. And, I couldn't sleep. ha. Well, the smoke has turned into a rainbow. Cool.

I could finally reward myself by letting myself play 2 hrs of maplesea later. I DON"T CARE!! I'm childish, i know. I'm just very interested in the trading system inside the game. I wanna be the riches character inside!!! Make lots of money and buy lots of items and go on a trading spree. And since I got nothing to lose spending money on stupid things inside the game, it allows me to get engaged in the wild auctioning experience. "You wanna buy something from me? Give me 10 mil!!!" muahahaa. Can I be a monopoly inside????? omg

And.... who says i'm not affected for tomorrow. 心中有情,又何必表现出来呢?表现出来的才算是真情吗?倘若结局已清楚,应该再试吗?若方向不清楚,该如何?好大的雾啊。

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Level 17!! wow. My warrior is heating up haaa. wacking big asses. ops.

Spent some time with work but bulk of time with game. Oh no!! new addict.

Seems like all work done, and I feels wierd. I don't want to read the readings for 312 because its all so alien to me. I don't want to read 306 things because they seems difficult to me. That leaves with me eating grass. What a good reason for me to play more games right. Cool! Thats the way.


A maple day. I spent most of my time playing that game. Well, fun killing monsters, gathering items, partying with people, trade items. Chat with them, and wack enemies with them. Whats best is most of the people are singaporeans i believe. hmm just my guess. Anyway its level 15 now. chiong ah!

Thursday, February 09, 2006


It was a tough day. Super participation for all the tutorials today. Ok, I'm not being myself... or perhaps I am being myself. I got confused anyway.

Band time fun. Found someone with some sort of a same frequency as me. Happy happy.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


A day of accomplishment. I haven't stop doing work except for meals and 2 episodes of dragonball cartoon. Oei, what the hell. I'm sick and tired of school work. Can I start my working life immediately?? And I'm sick and tired of people treating me like an ass. Well, I want to complain because I have worked hard. I want to reward myself by venting my stupid pea brain attitude here. If there is a website with a game for me to throw things around, I would have top the score sheet.

If there is one person in front of me scolding me, I would have looked at the person in the eye saying," you better shut up or I'll eat you up". If someone were to point his finger at me, I would have hold his wrist with my whole palm and sqeeze it hard with my forearm strength. If that wouldn't stop him pointing at me, I'll use my the other hand to pull his hand out. I'll use my head to ram his head. I'll my teeth to bite off his flesh. Unleash my fury.

Ok thats all. Anger management is to vent it out right? Cool. Wait till I really blast out. And that will be a monster you wouldn't want to see.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Ah I can't stop wanting to play that cute game haa. Its my type of game. Communicate, know friends, meet people from all around the world (hopefully). I'm gonna set aside 1 hr for me to play that today, don't care. even though I am just so busy with work. I can't work for so long and not play.

If i can't get a life in reality, i shall find one in the virtual world. Muahhaa.

(People who started their life with good background can have the ability to do great things in life. Comment.)

Monday, February 06, 2006


I really don't like to complain so much but..... its good cuz I let out my emotions. Opps. haa. Well, heres what I have to do for the next 2 days. For my own reference!!

Read AB312 articles for lecture 1&2
do up BF 308 tutorial
do up AA304 tutorial,
type out a word document for AA306 discussant things
Read RS chapter 5
Read 306 tx bk for lecture 2 and seminar 3
read 312 case report on wed 5pm after the presenting grp post up
Prepare for meetings for AB312 and BF308
Type FYP chapter 4 draft 2 for CPF part

Oh well, shit happens. And, I spent 2 hrs typing 3 emails just now. 1 particularly long because I am setting my standards for my beloved Euph/Tuba section. I guess I can put my management theories into use now. Hope it works.

I also spent half an hr looking at my beautiful province in the game called Utopia. Its in a mess now. Well, shit happens.

And, how to clean the big shit? By washing down the toilet bowl loh. opps.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Oh no! Maplesea crave. After I saw those cute cute things I couldn't get my minds of them. Die die haa. Gonna spend much time playing it after I successfully download it. 56k modem isn't power enough to download it, so I'm gonna use illegal means to do it..... from school haa. Lets hope no administrator from school is going to read this. opps.

So many things to do for school things. jia lad. sigh. Genius doesn't have to worry for tutorials and projects right? I'm not. :) So, I need to worry.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Ok, did I forget to blog yesterday? Yes I did. What lousy memory I have. So whats the reason? Excitement of reading about maplesea, and the excitement of a War in Utopia (online game). So, I did forget... can't help it. Anyway nothing interesting happened.

Its just a wonderful surprise realising how easy it is to write in English. Somehow it is a more efficient for me to type in English. However, chinese is more expressive. And..... how I realise the chinese culture is losing its place in the young generation (I sounded damn old). There is no way the roots of our history is going to stay in our hearts any longer. I don't want to be too political here but, it leaves me great regret on how young people are today, including me. The period where I typed in chinese was to remind me of my origin.

Shall I change back to English or continue to type in chinese? Why fret over this.... it doesn't matter, as long as i have a place to type rubbish. And to you, who is reading this rubbish, I show my deepest appreciation (assuming someone reads this).

I feel such a great change in me since the start of school. I bet my friends would have noticed it. Awkward behavior, absolute shamelessness, ultimate disgrace of thyself. I don't care, as long as I get the job done. Intentions.... is such a powerful thing. Doing something without an intention will leave you with pretend-sion (invented word?).


Thursday, February 02, 2006


太累了。我只想躺下去睡。难道闭上眼睛,梦就会实现?总而言之,今天是快乐天。 希望天天都是快乐天。

Wednesday, February 01, 2006



