Classes today. Morning class, I seemed to have overly took part in class discussion. The teacher was impressed of course but..... a bit aggressive. Luckily the tutor is one who accepts that he overlook some of the things. Not defensive. That, I have to learn. I tend to be quite defensive regarding things.
I got so tired in the afternoon. I think i know the reason. I felt the acute pain. Sigh, must be that thing again. I wanted to voice my opinions during my evening class but i just couldn't raise any energy and motivation to do it.
Suddenly i have so many tasks on hand to complete. I got so excited about it and bathed so quickly and sat in front of the comp after that. Did 2 things for my project ha and posted online for my other groupmates to see.
Tomorrow going to write that 600 essay again. sian loh. What to do...
Slice of Life
Taking Personal Responsibility
When things go awry, some of us are inclined to blame other people. When we can't find a job, it's because employers are too choosy or biased. When our child's misdemeanour becomes uncontrollable, it's because our spouse refuses to discipline him.
Undeniably, there are times when the result is directly caused by someone else but blaming others is very disempowering. When we attribute cause to someone else, we give up our control over the situation. Because we take no responsibility, we don't try to make things better, or to learn from the event. And because our role in the matter is conveniently swept under the carpet, we continue to enter into situations that bring us frustration and a sense of helplessness.
However, when you decide to take personal responsibility for your whole life, a remarkable series of reactions takes place.
Acceptance is the first, crucial reaction. You accept that where you are right now is all your doing. No longer will you blame anyone else for your current situation or list excuses such as bad luck or lack of opportunity. Blame and excuses are heavy baggage and they do not bring success.
In accepting full responsibility for your current situation, you also accept that where you'll be in a year or five years is also down to you. You chose the paths that led you to where you are right now. Therefore, you can choose better paths to lead you to a greater destination.
Acceptance leads to the realization that you have the power to change your life for the better. You can be in total control of what you allow your mind to be exposed to. If you listen to people who live life craving for security, you will take on their fears. So be responsible for your own education. I once read that if you don't take responsibility for what happens in your life, you're allowing others to decide your life for you. And they may not always have your best interests at heart.
Taking personal responsibility means you give yourself the power to command. Why should anyone else have that authority? It's your life. Resolve everyday that no matter what happens, you will handle it and overcome it. And you will learn from experience and use it all as stepping stones towards your destiny.