Hmm I felt that i regained some of my energy back. Few days back, i was like sooooo lazy. Can't hold myself up properly, felt like dragging myself. I think my body behaves like the economic cycle haha. After slacking through the weekends, I can feeel energy... slightly.
I just feel so excited with the coming westwind's concert. I can't wait to perform for the audience. This is going to sound like one of the best concerts ever. Hopefully. I won't sell tickets of the concert isn't good, so if i sell, means i value this concert.
Time never stops
Day and night, each day passes.
Past is always being created
Life goes on
Good or Bad, each phase changes
Memories are always created
Whenever memories from the past appear,
It never stops drawing tears.
Even if the heart faces despair,
We would still have to bear.
Even if the sun seems to be shining happily,
it cannot hide the fury heat.
When the heat is gone eventually,
what is left is a dark abyss.
Never forgotten.
Ahhh i got nothing better to do. Thankz ah. Its bad i know, haha i don't have the linguistic skills ok. I've got quiz tomorrow. I go watch my anime then study liao haha.
Oh i remember someone giving me a leaflet regarding an activity for V day. I laughed at the leaflet.... not for me. Oh ya, and people asking me to buy flowers for vday, wasting their sms. Not for me.
Sigh, when everyone is happy outside and you don't need to make people happy anymore, then you would eventually lose the ability to make yourself happy. How true?
Slice of Life
Get Organised
Some people thrive in chaotic conditions. You know, the ones who seem to be able to retrieve the document they need from the piles and heaps on their desks. For the rest of us though, working or living in a cluttered, disorganized environment can be very stressful.
Are you overwhelmed by your office? Paralysed by paper? Is your desk a disaster area? Are you doing anything about the situation? Spring cleaning once or twice a year doesn't count.
Clutter causes a life full of stress, frustration, and chaos, not to mention precious wasted time. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that the average executive loses "six weeks per year" retrieving misplaced information from messy desks and files. The cost in lost productivity and salaries is enormous. Many small businesses spend more time dealing with piles of papers than growing the business.
By taking firm action to get organized, you will experience less stress and frustration, have more time in your life, gain control over your day, experience increased job satisfaction, and be a happier person.
Very often the biggest challenge to get organized is simply finding somewhere to start. When you are totally overwhelmed by clutter, even this first step can be daunting.
Here are some ideas for you to start with:
First, decide that you are going to do whatever it takes to bring more order and flow into your life. Be committed. You can start small - ease yourself into it! Organise just one thing a day, or one thing a week. For example, this week, you could organise your computer files and next week, you could sort out a small drawer. You will start to see results from clearing just one small area. Remember that it takes 21 days to get into a new habit, so make sure that you take small, but consistent actions each day.
Next, block off a specific date and time to start organising your life. This is an appointment you cannot cancel and it will at least get you started. If you are feeling particularly brave, a more drastic way to start would be to purge. Grab a large trash bag, walk through your office or home and just be totally ruthless. Throw out everything you don't use, or give it away. By doing this, you can free up a load of space very quickly!
Happy organising!